Under the agreement, Progenics will have use of the Selexis CHO-M Cell Line™ and the SUREtechnology Platform™ for the development, manufacture, and commercialization of Progenics’ prostate specific...
Under the agreement, Liomont will have use of the Selexis CHO-M Cell Line™ and the SUREtechnology Platform for the development, manufacture and commercialization of an undisclosed antibody.
CrownBio offers a collection large enough to be representative of the histological and genetic diversity seen in the patient population in ongoing clinical trials.
CrownBio’s newly established models have been trialed with a range of EGFR inhibitors – including I, II, and III generation TKIs as well as Erbitux® – and their poor response to therapy mirrors the...
The company is leveraging its material and polymer expertise to expand into the life sciences industry in the two major industry categories of bioprocessing and diagnostic and research products.
“With HuGEMM™, there is now a robust model system in place to enable scientists to assess the efficacy of human biologic therapeutics directly without resorting to mouse surrogates.”
CrownBio clients will be now able to manage their internal patient-derived xenograft (PDX) portfolio on the model of CrownBio’s bespoke HuBase technology platform.
CrownBio intends to expand characterization, including next generation sequencing, of the models, and ultimately to develop new models resistant to current clinical therapies.
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